6 Articles


I'm a Hindu woman, and yes, I can study the Vedas

“In Hinduism, women are not allowed to read their religious scriptures.” I’m taken aback in surprise as my eyes fixate on this line in our …

A Hindu's Perspective — Politics

Dharmic Concept Of Nation And Citizenry The Dharmic tradition for governance and rule has been a system of monarchs and ministers administering and protecting …

Bringing Your Hindu Identity to College

Bringing Your Hindu Identity to College

Reposted with permission Laptop? Check. Bedding? Check. Notebooks? Check. It’s that time of the year again: back to college. Whether you’re a freshman or a …

Race Relations – American Experiments, Indic Perspectives

Indic Immigrant reflects on recent events regarding race, and one potential way forward offered by yoga. The cold-blooded murder of George Floyd in broad …

Never Have I Ever... Been More Proud to be an American Hindu

Never Have I Ever... Been More Proud to be an American Hindu

SPOILER WARNING!!!! Alright, let’s be real, this is pretty much the one and only TV show all of the diaspora is talking about, and honestly, it’s a discussion …

Caste: A Primer and Thoughts On Why It's Still an Issue

As with most things like this, let us begin with a brief definition of caste. Despite being something that is closely associated with Hindu culture, caste has …